&P363581 = CTN 4, 167 #project: caspo #atf: lang akk-x-stdbab #atf: use unicode ##note: The tablet, IM 067594 = ND 5487 contains only Ea 1a. @tablet @obverse 1. [EN₂] LUGAL ne₂-me-qi₂ ba-nu-u₂ ta#-šim-ti #tr.en: [Incantation]: O wise king, discerning creator, 2. [MAS].SU₃{+u₂} ṣi-i-ru u₂-su-um e₂-abzu #tr.en: August [lea]der, worthy one of E-abzu, 3. {d#}+EN.LIL₂.BAN₃.DA it#-pe-šu ka-ru#-bu# #tr.en: Expert Enlilbanda, greeted with reverence, 4. ur-ša₂-an ERI.DU₁₀ ABGAL# <> {d}[i₂]-gi₃#-gi₃# #tr.en: Hero of Eridu, sage of the [I]gigi, 5. EN -[engur]-ra ṣu-lul e₂#-u₆#-nir# #tr.en: Lord of E-[engu]ra, protection of E-unir, 6. ba-bil₂ ILLU# HE₂.GAL₂# mu#-riš# ID₂.DIDLI #tr.en: The one who brings the flood of abundance, who makes the rivers rejoice. 7. ina ta-ma#-a-ti u ṣu-ṣe-e : tu₂#-da-aš₂-ša₂-a HE₂.NUN!(QA) #tr.en: Among the waters and reed thickets you bountifully bestow abundance, 8. ina qer#-be₂-ti tu-šab-ša₂-a nap-šat UN-MEŠ aš₂-na-an #tr.en: Among the meadows you create the sustenance of the people, grain. 9. {d}a-num {d}BAD ha#-diš ri-šu-ka #tr.en: Anu (and) Enlil are rejoicing joyfully on account of you. 10. {d}a-nun#-[na]-ki# ina ma#-[ha]-zi#-šu₂-nu i-kar-ra-bu-ka #tr.en: The Anun[na]kki-gods greet you in their sh[ri]nes. 11. UN#-MEŠ [KUR iš-tam]-ma-[ra] zi#-kir#-ka kab-ta #tr.en: The people [of the land pra]is[e] your noble invocation. 12. a-na DINGIR-MEŠ# [GAL-MEŠ] ta#-nam#-din# mil-ka #tr.en: To the [great] gods you give counsel. 13. {d}e₂-a ina te#-[e]-ka# ša# TI# la# i-mat!(man) LU₂.UŠ₂ #tr.en: O Ea, on account of your incanta[tion] of life the moribund need not die. 14. ul-li re-ši#-ia# i-bi šu-mi #tr.en: Raise my head, call my name! 15. qi₂-bi-tuk-ka liš#-[še-mu]-u zik-ru-u₂-a #tr.en: By your command may my utterances be h[eard]! 16. ina lib₃-bi-ka ana SIG₅#{+ti} lu-uk#-šu!(qu)-ud #tr.en: In your heart, may I achieve favorable things! 17. šur-kam₂-ma TI#.LA# lu#-bur a-na da-riš #tr.en: Give me life that I may be healthy forever! 18. at-mu#-a# li#-ṭib# UGU# DINGIR u LUGAL#? #tr.en: May my speech be pleasing to divinity and king. 19. DINGIR u₃# MAN ša qa#-[be₂-e-a] li-pu-šu #tr.en: May god and king do what [I] sa[y]. 20. pu-u₂# [u li]-ša#-nu# liš#-[te]-me-qu-in-ni# #tr.en: May mouth [and to]ngue int[er]cede for me. 21. [...]-ti#? a#-a# KUR{+an-ni} mim-ma lem-nu# [mim]-ma# NU DU₁₀.GA #tr.en: [. . .] may nothing evil, [not]hing unfavorable reach me, 22. [... {lu₂}]UŠ₁₁#.ZU# u {munus}UŠ₁₁.ZU# #tr.en: [. . .] warlock (and) witch 24. [...] mim#-ma# NU [DU₁₀.GA ...] #tr.en: [. . .] anything un[favorable . . .] @reverse 1. [...] GABA#-su#-[un] #tr.en: [. . .] th[eir] breast. 2. ri#-[kis {lu₂}UŠ₁₁].ZU# {munus}UŠ₁₁!(KA).ZU# DU₈#-MEŠ EN₂ ERI.DU₁₀# #tr.en: May the incantation of Eridu release the bo[nd of war]lock (and) witch. 3. rik-si#-šu₂-nu HUL#-MEŠ li-paṭ#-ṭir# #tr.en: May he release their evil bonds, 4. ABGAL! DINGIR-MEŠ {d}AMAR.UTU #tr.en: Marduk, the sage of the gods. 5. li-bi-ba mi-na#-tu-u₂-a #tr.en: May my limbs be free (of illness), 6. meš-re-ti-ia UGU#-ia li-ṭi₂-ba #tr.en: May my members be healthy. 7. AN{+u₂} HUL₂#-ka ABZU li-riš-ka #tr.en: May the heavens rejoice over you, may the Apsu be glad on your account. 8. DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ e-tel#-liš# li#-ša₂-li-lu#-ka #tr.en: May the great gods laud you as a lord. 9. dum!(qi₂)-qi₂!(dum)-ka# liq-bu-u DINGIR-MEŠ {d}i₂-gi₃-gi₃ #tr.en: May the Igigi-gods decree your good fortune. $ single ruling 10. KA-INIM-MA ŠU-IL₂#-LA₂ {d}EN-KI-GA-KAM₂ #tr.en: It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Enki. $ single ruling