&P396319 = AOAT 034, 059 #project: caspo #atf: lang akk-x-stdbab #atf: use unicode ##note: This tablet, K.6018+, attests several prayers to Sin and the catchline to Nergal 2. @tablet @obverse $ beginning of obverse missing 1'. [...] x# TI#? ID#? x# RI# lu#-u#? im#-x#-[...] #tr.en: [. . .] . . . [. . .] #note: Restorations follow Mayer 1976: 529-531 unless otherwise noted. At the end of this first line, Mayer suggests reading ⸢LU ḪI IM⸣ (likewise, Hätinen 2021: 498). 2'. [ina qi₂]-bit# iq-bu-u₂ {d#?}x# [...] #tr.en: [According to the comm]and which [(some deity) . . .] speaks [. . .] 3'. [ina] KA#? šar-ra-ti ra-bi-ti {d#}TIR.[AN.NA TU₆.EN₂] #tr.en: [By] the word (lit. mouth)(?) of the great queen Man[ziat (i.e., Rainbow). Concluding Incantation Formula] #note: Mayer restores [ina DU₁₁?], ina qibīt, "according to the command of," at the head of the line (1976: 529). There is, however, a faint hint of a trace of the right-most vertical wedge of the sign preserved on the tablet (see the copy in AOAT 34 59). I suggest we read KA (the same sign as DU₁₁), "mouth," though it makes no real difference in meaning. $ single ruling 4'. [KA].INIM.MA ŠU.IL₂.LA₂ {d#}3(u)-[KAM*] #tr.en: [It is the wor]ding of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin. #note: Aino Hätinen's new join with K.13919 begins here (eBL) and fills in some signs at the ends of the lines from here through obv. 11ˊ. $ single ruling 5'. [KID₃].KID₃#-BI e-nu-ma {d}3(u) in-nam-ma-ru NIG₂.NA [{šim}]LI# ana IGI {d}3(u) [GAR{+an}] #tr.en: Its [rit]ual: When Sin becomes visible, [set up] a censer of juniper in the presence of Sin. 6'. [KAŠ] SAG BAL{+qi₂} ana IGI {d}3(u) DUR SIK₂ BABBAR NU#.[NU] x# KA.KEŠDA [KEŠDA] #tr.en: You libate first-rate [beer]. In the presence of Sin, you sp[in] white wool into a band. [You tie] (some number?) of knots. #note: In addition to the new join of K.13919, for the restoration in this and the following line, see Hätinen 2021: 498, 503, who draws on (then unpublished) BM 46590: 14-15. 7'. [e]-ma# KEŠDA EN₂ ŠID{+nu} ina IZI# GAR{+an}-ma an#-[nam DU₃]{+uš#}-ma ŠA₃.BI [DU₁₀.GA] #tr.en: [Whe]never you tie (it) in a knot, you recite the incantation. You place (it) in the fire. [You d]o thi[s] and his heart [will be satisfied]. #note: I take "his heart" to refer to Sin, who was previously displeased with the supplicant. $ single ruling 8'. EN₂# EN U₄.SAKAR kul-la#-[ti] bi#-nu#-[ti] #tr.en: Incantation: O lord, crescent moon (over) al[l] creati[on], 9'. a#-šar U₂.HI.A er-ṣe-tu₄ a-dir#-[ti] ul-[du] #tr.en: The place where the earth bo[re my] apprehension (as/with) the plants, 10'. ki#-ma hi-ri-ti ana ABZU# a-dir-ti# [liš]-hu-[ut] #tr.en: [Let] (it, i.e., the earth) [wash] away my apprehension to the Apsu as with/in a canal. #note: For an explanation of the imagery here, see Lambert 1974: 296-297 and Jaques 2015: 236. Lambert suggests this version of the line is the original; compare below, rev. 9ˊ (likewise, Jaques 2015: 99). 11'. la# eš!(ŠI)-ru-tu₄ lim#-hu-ru!(RA) a-di-ra#-ti#-[ia] #tr.en: May unjust (men) receive [my] apprehension. #note: I assume the scribe has committed an internal aural or graphic mistake in writing ŠI for EŠ. Either the scribe made another mistake on the verb (RA for RU) or we should assume the singular verb understands the plural subject as a collective. My translation of this line follows Jaques 2015: 234, 235 and CAD Š/3, 388 (cited by Jaques); compare Lambert 1974: 297, who thinks the (m.pl.) adjective refers to water, which has dropped out of the text. He supposes the LA is a corruption for NAR, nār (ešrēti). Most others follow his idea that this line describes the waters of the river (e.g., Hätinen 2021: 501 and Abusch and Schwemer 2016: 295). The same applies to the more extensive description in rev. 10ˊ-12ˊ below. 12'. ana-ku ana sul-li#-ka# ak-ta-mis ma-har-ka lu-bi#-[ib] #tr.en: I have bowed down to make supplication to you. May I be puri[fied] in your presence. $ single ruling 13'. KA.INIM.MA ŠU.IL₂.LA₂ {d}+EN.ZU-[KAM*] #tr.en: [It is] the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin. $ single ruling 14'. DU₃#.DU₃-BI ina U₂.SAL ID₂ NIG₂#.NA GAR{+an} mi-ih-ha BAL{+qi₂} IM U₂.SAL ID₂ TI#[{+qe₂}] #tr.en: Its ritual: You set up a censer in the river meadows. You libate miḫḫu-beer. You tak[e] clay from the river meadows. 15'. ZA#.NA# MUNUS DU₃{+uš} ina ŠU-ka IL₂-ma EN U₄.SAKAR kul-la-ti 3(diš)-šu₂ ŠID#[{+nu}-ma] #tr.en: You make a female doll/gamepiece(?). You lift it up in your hand. You reci[te] "O lord, crescent (over) all" three times. 16'. [ZA.NA ana ID₂ ŠUB]{+di#}-ma KI.ZA.ZA#-ma KEŠDA DU₈{+ar₂} šam-ša₂-ni KU₃.GI 7(diš) [...] #tr.en: [You thro]w [the doll/gamepiece(?) in the river]. Then you bow down and dismantle the ritual assemblage. Gold disks(?) seven [. . .] 17'. [...] x# x# x# ki-a-am DU₁₁.GA LIL₂-ma x# x# [...] #tr.en: [. . .] . . . thus you say. You sprinkle(?) . . . [. . .] 18'. [...]-u₂-ti ša ŠU TAG.GA LAL? TI [...] #tr.en: [. . .] . . . of . . . [. . .] #note: It is unclear to me what ŠU.TAG.GA stands for. Mayer 1976: 530 gives no explanation or translation. Hätinen (2021: 502) translates the term with "undertaking," perhaps reflecting Akkadian liptu, though this word is typically written logographically with (NIG₂).TAG (see CAD L, 200). Since liptu can also refer to an afflication or disease, I wonder if we should take ŠU TAG.GA as "the power (lit. hand) of the affliction." 19'. [...] x# UN-MEŠ [...] #tr.en: [. . .] . the people [. . .] 20'. [...] di#-lip-ti MA [...] #tr.en: [. . .] anxiety . . [. . .] 21'. [...] x# ŠA IR? RU x# [...] #tr.en: [. . .] . . . [. . .] 22'. [...] x# x# [...] #tr.en: [. . .] . . . [. . .] #note: The tablet shows barely a hint of the tops of the heads of a sign or two (see the copy in AOAT 34 59). @reverse $ beginning of reverse missing 1'. [...] x# x# kit#?-ti# it#-ti# tap#-pe#-e# la# ad#-bu#-bu# x# x# [...] #tr.en: [. . .] I, who did not speak the truth with (my) friend [. . .] #note: The restoration of the half broken signs follows Hätinen, who draws on the (recently discovered) parallel in CBS 1695 (2021: 499). 2'. [...] x#-am-ma šu-kun za-ku-ti# #tr.en: [. . .] . to me. Establish my freedom! 3'. [la-le]-e ba-la-ṭi lu-uš-bi TU₆.EN₂# #tr.en: May I be sated on the [abunda]nce of (my) well-being! Incantation Closing Formula. $ single ruling 4'. [KA].INIM#.MA ša₂ IGI.DU₈.A {d}3(u) HUL SIG₅.GA.KAM*# #tr.en: It is [the wor]ding to make an evil appearance of Sin favorable. $ single ruling 5'. [DU₃].DU₃#-BI u₄-mi {d}3(u) IGI.LA₂ SIK₂.GA.RIG₂.AK.A ta-mat-tah₂# #tr.en: Its [rit]ual: On the day Sin becomes visible, you collect carded wool. #note: SIK₂.GA.RIG₂.AK.A = pušikku, "carded wool." 6'. EN₂#? 7(diš)-šu₂ ana UGU ŠID{+nu}-ma ina GU₂-šu₂ GAR{+an}-ma HUL pa-ši-ir# #tr.en: You recite the incantation(?) seven times over (it). You place (it, i.e., the wool) on his neck, and the evil will be resolved. $ single ruling 7'. EN₂# na-an-na-ru kul-lat bi-ni-ti #tr.en: Incantation: Nannaru (over) all creation, 8'. [a]-šar it-ti U₂.HI.A KI{+ti₃} a-dir-ti ul-du# #tr.en: [The p]lace where the earth bore my apprehension with the plants, 9'. KI#{+ti₃} ma-hi-rat ana ABZU a-dir-ti liš-du-ud# #tr.en: Let the netherworld, which receives (it), draw my apprehension to the Apsu. 10'. eš#?-ru#-tu lim-hu-ru a-di-ra-ti-ia₅# #tr.en: May just (men) receive my fear. #note: The sense of the line requires a negative particle at its head (see obv. 11ˊ above). Either the LA has fallen out or, more speculatively, we have NIŠ rather than EŠ (see Lambert's reading, 1974: 295), which may preserve a vocalization of and Sandhi writing of NU eš-ru-tu. Signficant textual variation exists in the manuscripts attesting this particular prayer, and thus a corruption of some kind is likely. 11'. i#-ša₂#-ru-tu lim-hu-ru-in-[ni] #tr.en: May just (men) receive m[e]. 12'. šu#?-ša₂#-ru-tu li-ten₂-nu-u₂ it-ti-ia₅ #tr.en: May those who were made just change places with me. 13'. liš#?-du#?-ud ar₂-ni la pa-li-hu ma-har-ka lil-[qe₂] #tr.en: May the one who does not fear (you) draw my guilt; may he ta[ke] (it) in your presence. 14'. EN [a]-na#-ku a-na sul-li-ka ak-ta-mis ma-har-ka lu-bi#-[ib] #tr.en: O lord, I, indeed, have bowed down to make supplication to you. May I be puri[fied] in your presence. $ single ruling 15'. KA#.INIM#.MA ša₂ IGI.DU₈.A {d}3(u) HUL SIG₅.GA-[KAM*] #tr.en: [It is] the wording for making an evil appearance of Sin favorable. $ single ruling 16'. DU₃.[DU₃]-BI# u₄-mi {d}3(u) IGI.LA₂ ana IGI {d#}3(u) NIG₂.NA {šim}LI GAR{+an#} #tr.en: Its rit[ual]: On the day Sin becomes visible, set out a censer of juniper before Sin. 17'. KAŠ [SAG] BAL#+{qi₂} IM u₂-šal-li ID₂ TI{+qe₂} #tr.en: You libate [first-rate] beer. You take clay from the river meadows. 18'. ZA#?.[NA DU₃]{+uš#} EN₂ 3(diš)-šu₂ ana IGI {d}3(u) ŠID-ma #tr.en: [You make] a do[ll]/game[piece](?). You recite the incantation three times before Sin. 19'. [ku-tal]-la#-nik-ka ina ID₂ ŠUB-ma HUL BUR₂ #tr.en: You throw (it) into the river [behin]d you, and the evil will be resolved. $ single ruling 20'. [EN₂ EN] ga#-aš-ru ti-iz-qa-ru bu-kur₂ {d}nun-nam-nir# #tr.en: [Incantation]: O powerful [lord], exalted one, offspring of Nunnamnir. #note: This is the catchline to Nergal 2. $ at least 3 lines blank 21'. [E₂.GAL {m}AN].ŠAR₂#.DU₃#.A LUGAL ŠU₂ LUGAL KUR AN.ŠAR₂{ki} #tr.en: [Palace of As]hurbanipal, king of the world, king of the land of Ashur, 22'. [ša a-na AN.ŠAR₂] u₃ {d#}NIN.LIL₂ tak-lu₄ #tr.en: [Who] trusts [in Ashur] and Ninlil, 23'. [ša {d}+NA₄ u₃ {d}taš-me-tu₄ GEŠTUG-MIN DAGAL]{+tu₄#} iš#-ru-ku#-uš# #tr.en: [To whom Nabu and Tashmetu] gave [wid]e [understanding]. $ end of reverse missing