Incomplete ritual instructions (o i 1ˊ-3ˊ), an incantation against nose bleed (o i 4ˊ-9ˊ), rubric (o i 10ˊ), an incantation against nose bleed (o i 11ˊ-27ˊ), rubric (o i 28ˊ), the incipit of an incantation (o i 29ˊ), an incantation against
sagkidabbû (o i 30ˊ-41ˊ), rubric (o i 42ˊ), the incipit of incantation against
simmatu (o i 43ˊ), rubric (o i 44ˊ), the incipit of incantation against
simmatu (o i 45ˊ), rubric (o i 46ˊ), an incantation (against
simmatu) (o i 47ˊ-48ˊ), an incantation against
išāti kāsisti (o i 49ˊ-50ˊ), incomplete list of stones (o ii 1ˊ-3ˊ), ritual instructions (o ii 4ˊ-9ˊ), several short incantations over ritual objects (Kultmittelbeschwörungen) with ritual instructions (o ii 10ˊ-11ˊ, 12ˊ-13ˊ, 14ˊ-17, 18ˊ-19ˊ), scribal note (o ii 20ˊ, which reads
ḫepi eššu reḫet šammī ašṭur, “new break; I did not write down the rest of the (names of) the plants”),
SB Šuʾilla Prayer to Ereqqu 2 (o ii 21ˊ-48ˊ), rubric (o ii 49ˊ-50ˊ), necklace of Naram-Sin (Kette 204; o iii 1ˊ-18ˊ [stones], 19ˊ-27ˊ [ritual instructions]), necklace of Hammurabi (Kette 206; o iii 28ˊ-39ˊ [stones], r i 1-15 [ritual instructions], r i 16-19 [summary]), chain for a chariot, version 1 (Kette 207; r i 20-34 [stones], 35-39 [ritual instructions]), chain for a chariot, version 2 (Kette 207; r ii 1-7 [stones], 8-16 [ritual instructions]), rubric (r ii 17), two broken lines (r ii 18-19), list of stones (r ii 20, not belonging with the following lines, according to Schuster-Brandis 2008: 323), necklace against any evil (Kette 180; r ii 21-22 [stones], 23-24 [ritual instructions]), arm band against
simmatu (Kette 95; r ii 25-28 [stones], 29 [summary]), armpit band against
simmatu (Kette 101; r ii 30 [stones], 31-33 [ritual instructions]), ritual instructions / summary of previous two bands (r ii 34-35), bracelet against
simmatu (Kette 93; r ii 36-39 [stones], iii 1-5 [ritual instructions]), bracelet against AN.TA.ŠUB.BA (Kette 112; r iii 6-8 [stones], 9 [ritual instructions]), bracelet against
birṣu (Kette 56; r iii 10-11 [stones], 12-17 [ritual instructions]), band of some sort to reconcile with an angry personal deity (Kette 21; r iii 18-19 [stones], 20-25 [ritual instructions]), bracelet against the hand of a ghost and
simmatu (parallels with Kette 138; r iii 26-28 [stones], 29-40 [ritual instructions]), summary(?) (r iii 41), fragmentary line (r iii 41).